SB 27 – Disposition of Fetal Remains After Surgical Abortion

As the investigation reveals more and more horrors around the actions of deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopfer, now with the revelation of even more bodies of babies he killed and kept as grisly trophies in the trunk of his car, it brings to mind that we have a mechanism to prevent this from happening in Ohio, if we can only get some elected officials to finish the job. Senate Bill 27, which is sitting in the House Civil Justice Committee after passing the Senate early this spring, would require legal documentation for each and every fetal remains, and those remains would be treated with dignity, transferred to funeral homes or crematoria, and humanely buried or cremated, not kept as a grim collection by an abortionist (or sold for parts). It will only take two more votes, one by the committee and one on the House floor, to make Senate Bill 27 law in Ohio. Please take a moment or two and contact Speaker Larry Householder (614-466-2500: and Civil Justice Committee Chairman Rep. Steve Hambley (614-466-8140; to ask politely for Senate Bill 27 to be voted into law before the end of this year!

From Friday 5 – October 11, 2019