Black Genocide

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education, or CURE, is an organization dedicated to fighting poverty and seeking solutions for black families to grow and thrive.  CURE recently released their annual report entitled “The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community.” 

Sadly, the report concludes that black women are by far the leading consumers of abortion services in America.  Black women made up only about 14 percent of the childbearing population in 2020 yet account for a whopping 39 percent of reported abortions. This is not surprising, considering 79% of abortion clinics are located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. 

Star Parker, Founder and President of CURE, observed that “Irreparable damage has been done to the black community by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.”  

Planned Parenthood now tries to disavow their founder, Margeret Sanger, but they can’t deny the fact that Sanger was a eugenicist who referred to black babies ‘human weeds’ and sought to control the birth rate among blacks and others she considered “undesirable.”

This genocide is being celebrated by the pro-abortion lobby as “health care.” No, it is a holocaust, plain and simple.

The report concludes that abortion undermines traditional family values; therefore, we must reinforce the importance of these values in minority communities to stop the extermination of our black brothers and sisters in the womb. 

Black Genocide