Heartbeat Heritage

Planned Giving

Wills & Planned Giving

Everyone can leave something behind…it does not require great wealth-just a willing heart.

Operated by: Cleveland Right to Life Education Fund

Including Cleveland Right to Life Education Fund in your will or estate plans is one of the most meaningful ways to support our work for LIFE. Planned gifts can be made through your estate or financial plans and can include bequests designated in a will or living trust, as well as life income gifts. By supporting the future of Cleveland Right to Life in this way, you are creating a legacy for the principles and values most important to you.

Naming Cleveland Right to Life in Your Will

Your will affirms, honors, and protects what matters most to you. Through a specific bequest, you can name a particular dollar amount, or through a residuary bequest, you can give all or part of what is remaining after payment of debts, expenses, and specific bequests. If you would like to make such a gift to Cleveland Right to Life, your attorney may wish to include language similar to the following:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Cleveland Right to Life Education Fund or its successor, now or formerly at 4427 State Road Cleveland, OH 44109, a gift of ($_____ or _____ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate), to be used for its general purposes.”

Other Ways to Give

You might also consider naming Cleveland Right to Life as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, insurance policy, or bank and investment accounts. Depending on the plan, Cleveland Right to Life can be named as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary. You will need the following information:

4427 State Road Cleveland, OH 44109

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 47-2841629

Income for Life

There are other planned giving options that can provide you with payments for the rest of your life, with the remaining funds passing to Cleveland Right to Life. These gift options include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and pooled income fund donations. To learn more about how these options can benefit you, please contact us.

Heartbeat Heritage

Cleveland Right to Life is pleased to recognize the individuals who are providing for the future of a culture of life through their estate plans. After informing us of your plans, you will receive an invitation into our Heartbeat Heritage Group, whose members are invited to special events each year.

Contact Us

For more information on planned giving, please contact Jeannine Jones at jjones@clevelandrighttolife.org.

Estate Planning Assistance

If you need estate planning assistance, please feel free to contact Laurie Malone with  Malone Mediation and Law through her email laurie@malonemediationandlaw.com or by calling 440-724-3197.


II Corinthians 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”